All articles by Asha Sankanna
2023 will be an exciting year for the SOUCY DEFENSE DIVISION. Following a busy 2022 marked by the return of in-person shows, Soucy Défense celebrated the new year with the release of its new and modern website!
Hardware-based crossdomain access solutions for OSINT
As the importance of open-source intelligence (OSINT) to military operations has become increasingly clear to Nato members and other armed forces around the world, so too have the risks of lax cybersecurity and the growing vulnerability of increasingly complex software systems. Garrison provides next generation cross-domain solutions that rely on hardware-based security, overcoming the many obstacles that have plagued traditional OSINT models.
Protection for units in complex operations
Established as a trusted worldwide supplier, Blücher has now consolidated all of its protective materials, garments and services under the SARATOGA brand. Providing full-spectrum and broad band protection for first responders and the military across a wide variety of complex yet highly specific operations, SARATOGA is the premier choice for CBRN protective gear.
A key supply of prehospital and combat casualty care
Established in Sandviken, Sweden, in 1995, Promoteq provides medical equipment in the four following categories: prehospital systems solutions, consumables, medical technology and simulators. Its customers consist of mainly government organisations and companies with defence, law enforcement, security and medical missions.
Connecting the battlefield
Rugged laptops and other new technologies are transforming how armies do battle. But without robust cables and connectors to connect diffuse systems, success in this new world is impossible. We explore how the growing sophistication of rugged electronics makes partnering with a reliable connector provider more crucial than ever, and how US company Omnetics can help.
The industry’s one-stop line of supply for the demolitions train
Few companies can boast that they are able to supply any and all demolitions requirements, but CBRNergetics views itself as an outlier in the field. Providing products from initiation to detonation and deactivation to safe disposal, the company aims to cover the whole supply chain – R&D, quote, contract, production, licensing, freight services and delivery. We speak to Kevin Catallo, commercial director at the company, to learn more.
USBs are no longer keys to unlock military networks
In a world that relies so heavily on digital information, cybersecurity is paramount, particularly for military forces. Protecting high-value data requires advanced technologies and process compliance at every stage. With so much sensitive data transferred on USB sticks, it is essential to ensure that they are thoroughly sanitised. This is where specialist technology provider Hunna can help.
Vital communications for every emergency
5G promises to be the communication technology of the future – if users ensure their devices can exploit it, anyway. We talk to Oliver Ledgard at Zebra Technologies about the company’s range of rugged 5G-equipped devices, and how they could be useful across a range of crises.
Multi-million pound investment in synthetic training capability for Typhoon pilots
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has awarded BAE Systems contracts valued at more than £220m to deliver advanced synthetic training for pilots training to fly Typhoon, one of the world’s leading combat aircraft.
Pearson Engineering and Milrem Robotics collaboration explores mobility and survivability for Robotic Combat Vehicles
September 13th, 2021
Collaboration between British company Pearson Engineering and the European leading robotics and autonomous systems developer Milrem Robotics will see the Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle (RCV) showcased with a Self-Protection Roller at DSEI 2021. The integration of the two capabilities marks an effort to develop market thinking on the future roles of RCVs and the support they may need, or give to other vehicles, on the battlefield.