About us

Defence & Security Systems International (DSSI) was created in 1986 by retired Brigadier Gerald Blakey to address the challenges faced by the forces in terms of deployment and technology being used in the field. The magazine has evolved into one of the strongest publications endorsed and supported by senior officers, both in the field or retired, discussing the applications of the systems and platforms that are currently in operation. The publication also analyses a number of programmes that have funding from various governments and their route to theatre. Editorial contributors in this area include: the MoD, the DoD, the European Defence Agency, Dstl, the US Marine Corps, DE&S (Abbey Wood) and the US Navy. Over the last 25 years, the magazine has become required reading for over 50 defence agencies globally and their main prime contractors.

Defence & Security Systems International allows you to build brand awareness within the defence domain. The three platforms we produce are designed to allow you to communicate directly with the defence market, and, more importantly, putting defence agencies and tier one contractors in touch with advertisers.

Defence & Security Systems International delivers essential intelligence and specialist information on the latest projects, technical and product developments. It enables individuals actively involved in the purchasing of equipment and services to make informed decisions.

Produced in print and digital formats. Web portals are utilised by the international procurement departments that are directly responsible for the majority of defence and homeland security systems spending worldwide.