At a dialogue meeting in the community center between the Herlev Municipality and the Herlev business community on Wednesday, 30 September, Mayor Thomas Gyldal Petersen presented Terma with the Herlev Business Award 2015. Senior vice-president, market development Jørn Henrik Levy Rasmussen accepted the award on behalf of Terma.

The reason for giving the award to Terma is that our high-tech solutions brand the municipality as an attractive base for modern companies that require optimum infrastructure. It was also emphasized that Terma in recent years has established itself globally and, with the base in Denmark, has been able to create new jobs, as we now approach a total of 150 employees at the Herlev location.

The Herlev Business Award is awarded annually and is given to a Herlev-based company that has made a special effort. This could be as a technologically as well as a managerial innovative company or through a special contribution to the local community. It is also a requirement that the company has been based in the municipality during the past three years. Terma moved in to the office in Herlev in 2004.