Thank you to customers and partners who visited Terma during our recent participation in the International Defence Exhibition and Conference, IDEX 2017, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

At the exhibition, Atlas Telecom and Terma joined forces in demonstrating Terma’s system for Critical Infrastructure Protection; T.react CIP at Atlas’ stand. Further, a Terma Self-Protection Pod was on display on an Archangel aircraft at the IOMAX stand, and our 3D-Audio solution was demonstrated on a pilot helmet at BAE Systems’ stand.

At the Terma stand, visitors could learn more about our solutions within SCANTER Surveillance Radars, ideal for detecting and tracking non-cooperative small targets in extreme weather conditions, and our Electronic Warfare Management System (EWMS) which offers market leading EW capabilities as well as reduced Life Cycle Costs.

The exhibition was highly successful for Terma and was concluded with signing of the agreement to establish a joint venture with UAE-based Al Maskari Holding, named Terma Middle East LLC, in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

I look very much forward to the further developments for Terma in the Middle East Region.

Yours sincerely,

Jens Maaløe
President & CEO