The drive for intelligent systems to support the end-to-end supply chain is set to increase as the ability to gather, store, access and analyse data grows exponentially.

The TVS Msys IT architecture provides customers with a leading information management system that reaches across multiple tiers of the supply chain and gathers information from multiple sources to drive standardisation, and deliver visibility and efficiency. Msys provides a modular approach to supply chain IT architecture and product data management (Msys.PDM) and electronic parts catalogue (Msys. EPC) are key modules within that system.

Msys.PDM is an extensive product data management solution that captures data from multiple applications and separate parts of a client’s organisation, in order to create quality data before releasing it to an electronic catalogue. Msys.EPC is the publication of item, technical and commercial data mastered in Msys.PDM with rich product illustrations presented in a cataloguestyle format, which are optimised together with database processing to minimise end-user response times. Other features include search engine and easy-to-use demand entry and order traceability. Being web-based allows users from anywhere in the world to access products and commodities. Significant investment has been expended in the design and development of Msys EPC to provide an efficient end-user experience. The integration between Msys PDM and Msys EPC is established, and currently supports multiple operational catalogues used by TVS clients.