Farymann Diesel Systems’ Stefan Kark speaks to Defence & Security Systems International about providing a personal engine supply service for military customers, whatever the size of the order, and helping to keep the world a safe place.

Can you provide some background on Farymann Diesel System’s involvement in the defence industry?

Stefan Kark: Our involvement with the defence industry started with engines used to power auxiliary power units in mobile configuration. With the growth of electronics in the armoured branches of the military, the demand for portable power has risen and we have developed special engines to fit in compact spaces and operate on the move.

These product characteristics have made our engines the popular choice of armies all over the world. With constant innovation, Farymann Diesel keeps on delivering products of superior quality, reliability, fuel efficiency and emission standards.

What must be considered when designing engines specifically for the defence industry?

Defence engines are highly customised. In addition to civil application norms, they have to fulfil several special features such as easy hand-start ability as backup for electrical systems – while operating on long missions with no access to charging or service facilities. This is a game changer for armed forces.

With the moving of military assets into colder locations and higher altitudes, cold-start ability down to -32°C is a capability extender for conventional forces. Operation with high inclinations for fordability is also crucial because modern equipment has to roll and fire; with our specially customised engines, armies have assets that are fully functional in all terrain.

When it comes to fuel supply chains, including JP5 and JP8 kerosene, our experience has been that quality when it matters is simply not to specification. Therefore, our engines are tolerant of fuel below specifications and, more importantly, they are extremely simple and easy to service.

What are the most common uses for your engines by military clients?

  • auxiliary power units and battery chargers
  • fuel supply pumps
  • high-pressure washers for contaminated areas
  • air compressors
  • small portable construction equipment
  • supporting remote base placements that must carry power sources for communication and control equipment.

How much do you consult the military sector and how important is collaboration for new solutions?

Customisation is one of our main focuses, so we work very closely with direct and final customers in order to understand and customise our product for their written and intended requirements. Farymann products have a tradition of being reliable workhorses. We work with our partner customers right from the RFI [request for information] stage to develop an engine scope that will meet product requirements for its entire life, which is typically over 20 years. The product also has to be future-friendly and this is only possible with early interaction with customers in terms of design and technology.

Farymann is founded on the principle of servicing niche markets. What advantages in terms of flexibility and operations does this give you?

We practise a very high flexibility of customisation. This results in the fact that, from the beginning of the project, our design department is in close contact with the customer – sharing our experience learnt over a long time with the OEM [original equipment manufacturer]. This produces a very quick and efficient development process, an ability that helps us fulfil the highly specialised recommendations for the equipment.

Low-volume markets are not interesting for the large players in the engine industry. For Farymann, it’s a pleasure to help customers who need even just one engine. We have a supply base that’s very experienced with the high-tolerance parts that an engine typically needs. With a small team, and modular design concepts, we react very quickly to our customers’ needs. We also train our user partners all across the world.

Can you discuss your range of products; what are the popular products and why?

The power range we serve is 3-12kW. All engines are single-cylinder diesel with stand-alone design features such as a low installation height – only 36cm for our landmark 43F/43W engine.

How would you define the characteristics that differentiate you from the competition when it comes to supplying the defence sector?
Our customers are our partners, whether it’s 1,000 engines for us or a single one. We work as a team and give full support to our partners from day one.

Are there any developments in the pipeline at Farymann Diesel Systems that you’re particularly excited about?

We are a 66-year-young company and every day it is exciting to work on new projects and new challenges. We run a lot of development projects together with new customers. One of the key focus elements is electronic integration for our customers, as well as enhanced remote and telemetric capabilities. But mostly, it’s the thought that we get to work with partners who are keeping the world a friendly place that makes us look forward to work every day.