ECARYS, a department of Stemme, deals in airborne surveillance, reconnaissance and research missions. Cooperation with market-leading commercial partners, scientific establishments and various governments has fuelled the development of the sophisticated UAV, price-sensitive and manned-surveillance ES15 platform and its modular capabilities. It supports the technical systems of suppliers and offers all aircraft-based advantages at a low cost with an aviation-certified airframe.

Unlike those using non-certified, recreational aircraft structures, the ES15 platform protects customers’ investment with certified airplane production methods and materials. The aircraft platform costs a fraction of the complete airborne system and the certified origin of ES15 is a warranty for the final product quality and reliability. ECARYS supplies the aircraft platform and it is able to tailor it to customers’ requirements with pods and airframe modifications to integrate optical, radar and other intelligent sensor systems.

Performance and cost effectiveness
ECARYS offers a high-performance aircraft platform with a 350kg payload, up to 20 hours of endurance and a range of 1,350nm (2,500km). The ES15 is low on fuel, noise, emissions and maintenance requirements. It has stealth properties, a low radar signature and minimal IR signature. ECARYS composite structure allows the use and installation of antennas on or inside the fuselage, while the engine exhaust, located on the upper side, does not interfere with the sensors facing down. The ES15 is able to soar for hours while the engine is turned off, allowing silent operations at a low speed, which is ideal for border control, marine surveys and wildlife protection. The ES15 is able to return quickly to its home base for data evaluation and on-time launch of appropriate interception and reaction measures when a real-time data link is not on board.

It features side-by-side seating, which allows two occupants in the cabin or for a solo pilot to operate equipment in the second seat. Flying the ES15 requires low-flying skills, making it more appealing to the operator.
The ES15 can be towed by hand, transported on a lightweight trailer or in a container when the wings are detached. Outer-wing modules (19.7ft) can be manually folded for parking and storage.
Economic figures are decisive; and the ES15 platform is cost-efficient. It trumps all other platforms with its certified aviation airframe, better range, endurance and air speed, and lower noise levels, initial investment and low hourly operating costs ($300)

The aerial platform can carry various types of electric-optical (EO) gimbals systems, and infrared (IR) and other sensors in under-wing pods or on the fuselage. The ES15 is capable of optical surveillance for monitoring, spotting and scanning applications. The IR equipment can be used for border controls, visible and non-visible infrastructure monitoring (detecting malfunctions and inspections) and for environmental protection (volcano activity, maritime pollution, farming/fishing industry monitoring and wildlife detection/protection).

Signal-intelligence-technology (SIGINT) applications transmit survey data to ground staff. The ES15 airborne platform meets the strict requirements needed for SIGNIT, and the modular construction is suited to reconnaissance sensor technology. The aircraft platform can be adapted for long-range transmission of high-resolution images and acoustic data, making them available for online exploitation. Area-mapping tasks can be done by airborne laser scanning or by antennas for a rapid, highly accurate and efficient method of capturing 3D data of large areas and urban zones.

The ES15 is suitable for scientific research missions, managed by the synthetic aperture radar technology for accurate atmospheric research and magnetic measurements. These missions are facilitated by the ES15 composite structure and its ability to stay airborne for hours in a stable flight.