CRFS creates deployable systems to detect, identify and geolocate signals in a range complex RF environments. We provide end-to-end automated solutions for spectrum management and deconfliction, interference hunting and threat detection, using our intelligent receiver technology, software and advanced analytics. Our RFeye systems are widely deployed by military, intelligence, law enforcement and regulatory agencies across the globe.

Spectrum management and monitoring – RFeye Site & RFeye Mission

We provide intelligent systems for automated real-time monitoring and management of the RF spectrum. From analysis of spectrum occupancy and signal surveys to detecting and geolocating potential threats and sources of RF interference, CRFS provides real-time intelligence so that spectrum can be efficiently managed, monitored and dominated.

Air Defense – RFeye AirDefense

RFeye AirDefense is a wide-area 3D geolocation and intelligence system that can identify and track aircraft while remaining invisible to electronic detection. The system can provide essential covert intelligence on enemy activity and also augment a friendly missile defense system.

RFeye AirDefense is able to detect and geolocate RF transmissions to individually identify airborne targets and determine their flight characteristics (including current location, heading, speed, flight path, and altitude). Its covert nature makes the system ideal for border monitoring, radar augmentation, target acquisition, spoofing detection and more.

Counter Surveillance – RFeye Guard

RFeye Guard is an in-building continuous Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) system that monitors the RF environment to instantly detect and locate covert bugging devices. RFeye Guard is modular and expandable, it can effectively monitor a single room, a floor, a building, an entire campus or hundreds of buildings located anywhere in the world.

UAS Detection & Tracking – RFeye DroneDefense

RFeye DroneDefense is a passive RF sensing system that geolocates drone and operator emissions in three dimensions: latitude, longitude and altitude. The system can simultaneously track multiple drones and alert operational/security staff to their presence and location, in real time. Modular and scalable, DroneDefense can protect areas from individual facilities to larger regions.

RF Signal Recording – RFeye SenS

SenS is a lightweight, portable I/Q recorder for high-fidelity, long-duration RF recording and signal extraction. Ideal for capturing live, real-world signals in their native environment – without sacrificing recording quality. Captured signals can then be forensically analysed using the RFeye DeepView software.