With 30 plus years of mission critical experience and a strong global customer base, we make it possible for system developers and integrators to rapidly create state-of-the-art 2D/3D geospatial applications, with powerful developer tools and support systems.

The Carmenta Software Development Kits provide a range of components that enable you to visualise, analyse and manage real-time sensor data. Combined with various digital maps and all your geo-referenced information, a reliable and efficient operational picture will be established.

The technology is designed to be fully integrated into your applications or can provide the core of any geospatial web service environment. We are committed to openness, providing easy connection to map servers using standardised interfaces.

Since the geospatial data can be directly accessed from a large number of original formats, time consuming and expensive offline data preparation work is greatly reduced or eliminated. Allowing you to create more, in less time.

Carmenta Engine – High Performance Maps in Mission Critical Applications

Carmenta Engine enables software developers to easily and quickly create dynamic map and sensor data displays. It has been designed to meet the demanding requirements of mission critical applications, with the ultimate goal of delivering superior situational awareness.

Carmenta Engine offers excellent hardware-accelerated 2D and 3D map performance and has a proven record of round-the-clock reliability, after more than 20 years of continuous service in defence, security and public safety.

It runs on Windows, Linux and Android, and the SDK supports the use of popular development platforms like Native.NET, Java, C++ and Python APIs.

Real-time geospatial analysis functionalities, such as line-of-sight and terrain calculations, ensure you get the most out of your geospatial data sources, and millions of radar plots, live video streams and other application data can be easily overlaid onto the maps.

Carmenta Server – Visualisation and distribution of GIS data through web services

Carmenta Server is our product for service oriented architectures (SOAs) and is an ideal tool for building and maintaining highly scalable web-based geospatial applications. A straightforward setup, small footprint and easy administration make it very easy to integrate into any new or existing system architecture. It runs perfectly on a single PC or laptop but can be scaled up to run very large web-based service platforms, and fully supports the deployment in virtual and cloud environments.

The capacity to seamlessly combine information in real-time and establish a common operational picture makes Carmenta Server particularly useful in server-based systems that deliver situational awareness.

Carmenta is a technical committee member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), an international industry consortium of more than 520 companies, government agencies and universities. Carmenta Server implements over 25 OGC specifications and holds six certificates.

Carmenta Server comes bundled with a JavaScript web client composed of carefully selected and fully integrated open source components including Openlayers 3 for 2D maps and Cesium for 3D globe presentation.

Carmenta has offices in Gothenburg (HQ) and Stockholm, Sweden, and subsidiaries in France, Spain and Germany. For more information please visit carmenta.com.

find out more please click here to download the white paper.