Electronic Components – Global and UK Suppliers and Distributors
Astute Electronics lives by a Key Promise: to provide the customer what they want: Quality, Service and Reliability.

At Astute, we are an Electronic Components distributors and both Global and UK parts suppliers. Our sales offices include locations in England, Scotland, US and China. Our expertise provides the very best in Procurement, Engineering, Logistics, Finance, Programme Managers and QA

We have developed relationships with some of the worlds leading Electronic OEM’s and EMS providers’ alike, providing services in obsolescence management, buffer stocking and price-supported contracts.

Quality Parts Testing – Astute minimise the risk of counterfeit electronic components
Our quality procedures ensure that we lead the way in the identification of suspect and counterfeit devices, ensuring a quality that’s second to none. We are market-leaders in electronic components inspection processes, and work very closely with customers, manufacturers, global industry affiliations and the UK Government.

Our exceptional electronic components counterfeit procedures reflect the work we do with impartial government bodies, major prime OEM’s, The UK Electronics Alliance (UKEA) and Intellect (a government trade association for IT, Telecoms and Electronics)

Our bespoke logistics facility includes an integrated in-house anti-counterfeit mitigation laboratory with over £250k investment in test equipment such as ED-XRF, X-Ray and De-cap.